Bucks Locavore~Buy Local Event is a Business Incubator
Written by Lauren Dartt

(Photos: Randl Bye)
Since its inception in 2010, the Bucks Locavore ~ Buy Local Event has introduced thousands of people to the buy local movement. The 6th annual event, to be held at the end of the February will be no exception. Bucks Locavore ~ Buy Local offers guests a unique combination of business networking while sampling the remarkable goods from local independent food and beverage producers. The buy local movement is essential to the success of a local, sustainable supply chain which results in a stronger local economy supporting schools, local infrastructures and public assets. What makes The Bucks Locavore~ Buy Local event even more invaluable is that it isn’t just a networking event for the attendees, it provides a rare opportunity for the producers to connect with each other and form new alliances.
Superior Woodcraft, award winning cabinet maker in Doylestown, Pa, is the annual host of the event. This year Superior Woodcraft is teaming up with the Central BucksChamber of Commerce and is expecting attendance of over five hundred people and over thirty food and beverage vendors.

(L-R: Laurie, Trevor, Jennifer, Patrick)
Patrick M. Kennedy, Vice President of Superior Woodcraft created the idea of this event to keep the buy local movement strong and in the forefront of the public eye. Patrick’s forward thinking style is infectious as he comments, “Many people think of the Bucks Locavore~Buy Local event as a business networking event. This event is much more – it is an experience. It’s a business incubator. Many business relationships and new products have been created from the local companies that participate in this experience. They start collaborating and next thing you know business relationships are formed and new products are developed. Real business and economic growth is being created. A perfect example is the business relationship that developed between Laurie’s Chocolates, Doylestown Brewing, Homestead Coffee and Rose Bank Winery.”
Patrick is referring to is the new relationships Laurie Douglass from Laurie’s Chocolates has cultivated as a result of participating in Bucks Locavore~Buy Local. The award-winning chocolatier connected with Joe Modesetine, owner of Doylestown Brewery. The result is Tavern Toffee, a delectable version of Laurie’s butter crunch toffee infused with the brewery’s smooth R5 Lager. This mouthwatering combination of lager, sourdough pretzels, salted almonds and pretzels will be featured at Doylestown Brewery slated to open soon in the PA Marketplace on South Main Street in Doylestown. Jennifer Estes, Brand Manager from Doylestown Brewery is looking forward to returning as a participant. Jennifer commented, “We are proud to participate in Bucks Locavore because Doylestown Brewing Company believes creating a sense of community among business owners is vital to keeping Doylestown a thriving retail/hospitality destination. We will support that effort in every way we can and this is a perfect event to connect and share ideas with our community business leaders.”
The Tavern Toffee isn’t the only marvelous Laurie’s Chocolate product resulting from Bucks Locavore~ Buy Local. Laurie’s offers truffles crafted with robust coffee from Homestead Coffee Roasters, pure chocolate, and rich cream. Trevor Lewis from Homestead Coffee Roasters based in Upper Black Eddy has found the Bucks Locavore Event to be a must in his marketing efforts. Trevor says, “It’s great strengthening business relationships in Doylestown, meeting other business owners. This event attracts so many people the face to face is invaluable”.
Laurie is looking forward to returning to the event in February she mentions: “The fact I don’t have a retail location its great visibility.” Laurie’s Chocolate’s is sold in many local retailers visit her website www.laurieschocolates.com for details. This year at Bucks Locavore~ Buy Local, Laurie will be unveiling her latest creation, Orange Chocolate Port Truffle. Creamy chocolate immersed with Orange Port Wine from Newtown’s Rose Bank Winery. Yet another successful partnership resulting from this event. If you want to be the first to try Laurie’s latest masterpiece you will have to attend BucksLocavore~ Buy Local.
The 6th annual Bucks Locavore~Buy Local Networking Event
Thursday, February 26, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Superior Woodcraft, 160 North Hamilton Street, Doylestown
Open to the public and admittance is free
Hosted by Superior Woodcraft and the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce