Superior Woodcraft’s Newest International Ambassador
Superior Woodcraft is pleased to introduce you to Stolárstvo Hyža, Superior Woodcraft’s newest international ambassador.
Superior Woodcraft actually has a number of international ambassadors throughout Europe. If you are visiting Europe you might happen to see one wearing a Superior Woodcraft shirt or jacket. Most of Superior Woodcraft’s international ambassadors can be located in Germany, Italy, France and Slovakia. If you do see one of Superior Woodcraft’s ambassadors please be sure to say hello to them. Stolárstvo Hyža is one of our newest ambassadors and is also a fellow cabinetmaker.
Stolárstvo Hyža is a master cabinetmaker from Gbely, Slovakia where his company creates custom cabinetry, doors and windows for the local market. When not at his cabinetry shop, the owner of Stolárstvo Hyža, enjoys his family and ornithology. And of course as you can tell by the photos– good food and good beer are essential when entertaining family and friends. Family Life – after raising four girls Mr. Hyza is still smiling! And who wouldn’t be with a household of beautiful, fun and smart women. All of the Hyžova women are fantastic and Mr. Hyža is a lucky man.
Stolárstvo Hyža – thank you for being our newest Superior Woodcraft International Ambassador and proudly wearing your official Superior Woodcraft cabinetmakers gear. It is great to share experiences with fellow cabinetmakers from around the world. Give our best to your entire family. And, to our readers – if you are in Gbely, Slovakia and see Stolárstvo Hyža wearing his Superior Woodcraft gear, be sure to say hello.
Nášmu stolárskemu partnerovi a kamarátovi, je nám veľkým potešením vidiet Našu rodinu súčasťou Vašej. Ďakujeme Stolárstvo Hyža a prajeme veľa úspechov. Translation: To a fellow cabinetmaker and friend. It is great to have your family as part of our family. Thank you Stolarstvo and keep smiling.